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Undergraduate students have the opportunity to work as research assistants for HDFS field experience (HDFS 496) at NDSU. The lab counts as field experience in both the Human Development and Family Science major and Gerontology major. Any students majoring in Human Development and Family Science, Psychology, Sociology, or any other health-related fields also have the opportunity to volunteer in the lab. This provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable research experience, which is particularly helpful if one chooses to pursue graduate school! Talk with your advisor about options for working in the Linked Lives Research Lab!


If you are interested in participating in one of Dr. Fuller's studies or would like to learn more about them, please contact us at

Apply to be a research assistant now!

ATTENTION: Grandparents who are part of blended or step-families. If you are a step-grandparent, we want to hear from you!

NDSU's Linked Lives Research team is conducting interviews to learn more about the experience of being a grandparent within a stepfamily. The "Step-Grandparenting Experiences Study" is led by Dr. Heather Fuller, faculty member in the department of Human Development and Family Science and approved by NDSU's Institutional Review Board.

Interviews will be scheduled at your convenience and you will receive $10 for participating!

If you are interested in learning more about this exciting study, please call (701) 231-8268 and mention the "Step-Grandparenting Experiences Study."


For more information and frequently asked questions:

Research Opportunities

Call us:


Find us: 

Human Development and Family Science
NDSU Dept. 2615
PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050

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